News and Bargaining Updates


We are excited to announce that we are resuming our monthly regular membership meetings. We have taken the necessary precautions of aquiring the Fontana Lewis Library Steelworkers Auditorium, In order to provide more space for social distancing, and will be held Wednesday, July 14, 2021 at 6:00 PM. 

Please note, masks will be required and enforced.

The Women of Steel meeting is still on pause untill further notice. Please call the union hall @ 909-302-0000 if you have any questions.

The bargaining team met with KP on June 15 and presented our priorities. We added subgroups to address areas of our local contract where we both share interests.

Alliance update on all the National Bargaining subcommittees including, economics, safety, racial justice, staffing, and dispute resolution. It also briefly mentions our arbitration victory to improve next year's PSP payouts.

Día 2 de Negociaciones Locales: La empresa comparte sus intereses

Estamos complacidos de anunciar que tu Comité Negociador local se reunió de nuevo hoy con Kaiser para el segundo día Negociaciones Locales. 

La semana pasada compartimos nuestras prioridades con Kaiser. Ayer, El Comité Negociador tuvo la oportunidad de escuchar las prioridades y participar de una discusión breve. 

Algunas de las prioridades de Kaiser incluyen: