
Empowering the Future: The NextGen Committee of USW Local 7600

In the heart of USW Local 7600 beats a vibrant initiative aimed at fostering growth, community engagement, and the empowerment of the next generation of union members. The NextGen Committee stands as a beacon of progress, bringing together enthusiastic individuals dedicated to shaping the future of their union and their communities.

Who We Are

The NextGen Committee comprises dynamic members of USW Local 7600 who are passionate about advocating for the interests of the next generation of workers. Led by the visionary leadership of Chairperson Melissa Borgia and Co-Chair Cindy Cochran, our committee is committed to providing a platform for young voices to be heard, ideas to flourish, and initiatives to thrive.

Our Mission

At the core of our mission lies the desire to empower young workers, instilling in them the values of solidarity, activism, and leadership. We strive to create a supportive environment where ideas are welcomed, skills are developed, and opportunities for growth are abundant. Through our advocacy efforts, educational programs, and community outreach initiatives, we aim to inspire the next generation to become active participants in shaping their future and the future of the labor movement.

What We Do

The NextGen Committee organizes a diverse range of activities and events designed to engage, educate, and empower young union members. From networking mixers and skill-building workshops to community service projects and social outings, we offer opportunities for members to connect with like-minded individuals, develop valuable skills, and make a positive impact in their communities.

Additionally, we actively participate in union activities and collaborate with other committees and organizations to amplify our collective voice and advocate for issues that matter most to young workers. Whether it's advocating for fair wages, promoting workplace safety, or fighting for social justice, the NextGen Committee is dedicated to making a difference and building a better future for all.

Get Involved

Are you a young worker looking to make a difference? Join us! The NextGen Committee welcomes individuals who are passionate about creating positive change and shaping the future of the labor movement. Whether you're new to the union or a seasoned member, there's a place for you in our committee.

Our meetings are held once a month, providing members with an opportunity to connect, collaborate, and contribute to our ongoing efforts. If you're interested in learning more about the NextGen Committee or getting involved, please contact Chairperson Melissa Borgia at 909-275-4164 or Co-Chair Cindy Cochran at 909-549-5325.

Together, we can empower the future and build a stronger, more inclusive union for generations to come. Join us on this journey of growth, advocacy, and solidarity. Together, we are the future of USW Local 7600.


For more information please call the Fontana Union Hall at (909) 302-0000 and ask to speak to any of the following committee members: Sandi Lozano, Claudette Baker, Debrorah Richardson, Cindi Cochran,Diana Gandara,Linda Foster.

The USW, by Constitutional Resolution, requires all locals that have female membership support the creation of a local union Women’s Committee which will have equal status with other committees recognized in the local union. Women’s Committees can take on various activities that are geared to raising the awareness of working women’s issues, increasing female activism in their union and expanding union visibility into the community where they work and live.

Our message must be clear to all our members; women are first-class citizens in the union and in the labor movement as well as in the workforce and society in general. Gender equality is a union issue – it is a source of our strength and solidarity

ALL USW Local 7600 Members are welcome to become members of Women of Steel.


Valery Robinson, office: (909) 302-000, cell: (909) 202-0141, [email protected]

Our union is a reflection of the diverse racial and ethnic groups reflecting the population of the United States. We are committed to working towards full equality and civil rights for the citizens of the U.S. and Canada and human rights around the world.

This vision is charted in the Union’s constitution and mandated by International Convention Resolutions and policy. The Civil and Human Rights Department’s priority is to provide technical expertise in handling discrimination problems and situations; to conduct education and training seminars on civil rights and women’s rights; to develop resource material; and to provide district and local union representatives with updated information on the subject of human rights.


Chairperson Tammi Requejo, cell (951)-870-1599, [email protected]
Micheal Barnett, cell (909) 202-9756, [email protected]

The Health, Safety and Environment Department has five major functions – assisting local unions with health, safety and environmental problems; assisting with and/or conducting education and training programs for local union committee officers and staff representatives; assisting local unions in electing party status or friend-of-the-court status in cases relevant to the safety and health of our membership; working for better regulations and standards; and helping to negotiate better health and safety language in Steelworkers’ contract.


Join the fight for our collective well-being. Visit

Take action. Take responsibility. Take the Total Health Assessment. Health is a union issue. Unions solve problems that communities cannot tackle on their own.

We know that obesity, diabetes and other preventable health risks cause unnecessary suffering, make employee benefits more costly and threaten to overwhelm a health care system that’s already unaffordable for many families. The Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions committed to the Total Health Incentive Plan in 2012 national bargaining, taking a progressive stand for workplace health and wellness. 


To get involved, call L&E Chair Dejonae Shaw @ (714) 323-6415 or call the union hall at (909) 302-0000 and ask to speak to any of the following committee members:  Valery Robinson, Dejonae Shaw, Deborah Richardson, Micheal Barnett, or Diana Gandara.

Rapid Response is the Steelworkers’ nonpartisan grassroots education, communication, and action program that provides the necessary structure to inform every USW member about pending legislation concerning labor and work-related issues. Rapid Response provides opportunity for all USW members to have a strong voice and an active part in the legislative activities that affect their daily lives and allows USW members to fight back on a daily basis on issues that affect them, their families, and their communities.


Louereen Evans, USW Local 7600 SOAR President, (951) 776-4477
Click here for a application to join or call 1 (866) 208-4420 and request one be sent via U.S. mail.

SOAR was established in 1985 to organically link the USW’s active members with those in retirement so that both can work on common problems.

In recognition of this partnership the delegates to the 30th International Convention voted unanimously to add an amendment to the USW Constitution recognizing SOAR as an affiliate organization of the USW. The amendment also encourages the formation of SOAR chapters, establishes direct communication between the local union and the chapter and gives SOAR chapter leaders input into negotiations on retiree issues.

Until SOAR came along, there was no strong advocate to focus attention on the special problems and needs faced by USW pensioners and their spouses. SOAR made these problems very visible and helped fashion USW policy to deal with them. Our relationship with the United Steelworkers is based on shared values

The major purpose of SOAR is to deal with the social, economic, educational, legislative and political developments and concerns of its members and spouses. We fight for the preservation of Social Security, Medicare, for better health care protection, as well as for federal laws to better serve the elderly.