Sept. 17: USW 7600 Pauses Partnership

Throughout our contract negotiations, KP has made outrageous demands. Management is refusing to act as an equal partner by proposing below market wage increases to frontline workers who put their lives and their families at risk throughout the pandemic.

Our USW Local leadership has decided to immediately pause Partnership. Everything is at stake. The health care giant is not taking the partnership seriously. We are fighting for safe staffing, wages and benefits that reflect our standards of care and quality employees, and equal pay for equal work. KP continues to pursue its harmful priority of costs over quality and insists on dividing the workforce. See the copy of our letter to management Image icon here

They have left us no choice but to pause any participation the Partnership activities and demand that KP invest in patient care and invest in workers. In conjunction with UNAC/UHCP, we are 30,000 members standing strong together to send a message of solidarity to KP throughout the Inland Empire. 

You can support this pause by not attending any UBT meetings, all other LMP Committees, any LMP training activities, steering committees, and any joint labor management committees.

We will discuss our next steps, including a potential strike vote to show KP our members are willing to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes in order to win. 

Join us for our town halls Tuesday, September 21 at 7:30 am, 12:30 pm and 7:00pm.

Register for the town hall by clicking here: