Communication & Action Team Thank you and Sign-up

Dear Communication & Action Team Members,

We, the USW Local 7600 CAT Team Coordinators, are writing to express sincere gratitude for your exceptional participation in the 2021 bargaining process and more recently the 2023 PSP victory. Your dedication, hard work, and unwavering support were instrumental in achieving not only a fair contract for all members of USW Local 7600 and the Alliance of Health Care Unions in 2021, but also, through your collective efforts, our members were able to force Kaiser to increase our PSP.

There is no doubt that the Communication & Action Team played a vital role in the success of the 2021 bargaining process. You made sure the membership received accurate communication and had all the necessary materials to show visible solidarity, such as stickers and buttons. When it was time to mobilize, you were there ready to lead the way by marching at the rally and volunteering to help members cast their strike votes. And when it got tough, you were ready to fight by signing up for strike committees, handing out picket signs and willing to do whatever it took.

The 2021 bargaining process was undoubtedly challenging, and 2025 will prove to be our toughest year yet. Now, more than ever we need to stand united and prepare our union siblings to be strike ready! In order to do this, we need your help.

Sign up today to join the 2025 Communication & Action Team by clicking on the link. Together, we will stand united and show Kaiser Permanente we are serious about fair wages, safe staffing and dignity in our workplace.

In solidarity,

USW Local 7600 CAT Coordinators:

Megan Butler, Maggie Hernandez, Natalya Stevens

Click HERE to sign up now!

You may contact the CAT Coordinators by email at [email protected]