News and Bargaining Updates

On Monday, March 26, 2018, we made a final decision to leave the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions (CKPU) and form an alliance of like-minded partner unions, which will include UNAC/UHCP and HGEA (AFSCME), UFCW Locals 1167, 135, 1428, 1442, 324, 770, 555, 7, 1996, 27, 400, and 21, USW Local 7600, IBT Local 166, KPNAA, IUOE Local 501 and Local 1, OFNHP (AFT Local 5017), and ILWU Local 28. Together, we represent over 45,000 members across hundreds of job classifications in nearly every geographic area where Kaiser Permanente has a presence.

On Behalf of the USW Local 7600 Civil and Human Rights and SOAR Committees we want to thank everyone who participated in the 2nd Annual Holiday Toy Drive. Whether it was generous donations of toy’s, volunteering of time or recommending a struggling family within our membership or in the community, with out all of you we could not have made such a difference in the lives of over 40 children and their families.