News and Bargaining Updates

Congratulations to our Local 7600 Civil & Human Rights Committee for being selected as District 12's-2018 USW Cares Jefferson Award recipient.

Well done -- thank you for your continuous hard work and dedication to our members and our community! 

Click on the PDF below to read the letter from USW International President Leo W. Gerard and District 12 Director Robert LaVenture congratulating the committee.

The bargaining team for the Alliance Unions assembled on Tuesday in Anaheim and got right down to work. After we reached agreement with management on an updated version of the original 1997 LMP Agreement, bargaining has officially opened!

At the evening bargaining kick-off session, bargainers and Union observers heard speeches by representatives from the Unions, management, and the Permanente Federation.

On May 22, 2018 the Alliance of Health Care Unions (AHCU) will begin coordinated bargaining for a new agreement with Kaiser Permanente (KP).

USW Local 7600 Election Results are in! Click below to view.

PDF icon 7600 Election Results

The past week, in Riverside, Ontario, Corona and Fontana, hundreds of front-line employees attended several information meetings to hear about the latest news regarding our upcoming contract negotiation and the new strategic alliance of like-minded partner unions we just formed.

If you missed those meetings, here’s a recap of some of the information that was shared.

LOS ANGELES, CA—The Alliance of Health Care Unions (AHCU) announced its name today and its first hire: Executive Director Peter diCicco, founder and longtime Executive Director of the original Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions, from which the alliance unions withdrew last week.

Please join us for one of the following quick, informational meetings about our upcoming contract negotiations. You can stop in during your break or lunch, or before or after your shift. If you cannot make an in-person session, please join us on the Town Hall Conference Call Wednesday evening.

If you have any questions regarding Local Union Elections, please call Fontana Union Hall 909 302-0000