News and Bargaining Updates

Childcare Grant

The strength of our union and our partnership continues to benefit our members. KP has agreed to extend the COVID childcare grant through June 5.

Employees who are required to report to work are eligible to receive the childcare grant if the school or day care where their children are full-time enrolled is closed to full-time instruction or care. Eligibility for the stipend includes if the child’s school or day care is only partially opened.

USW Local 7600 and the Alliance of Healthcare Unions have received a number of calls from union members who believe their PSP attendance adjustment has been incorrectly calculated.   Other unions are receiving similar calls.

Under the Alliance PSP formula, the PSP payouts are adjusted up or down based on each individual’s last-minute sick calls.   

Announcing the ...


This past year we’ve faced unprecedented challenges. The pandemic has been isolating, even within our workplaces. But we are not alone. Union members have a long history of meeting difficult moments by leaning on our greatest strength: each other. And building collective strength will be needed for us to achieve a strong union contract. 

This month, we are coming together to build our unity and our power by sharing our stories. Our voices and our stories are powerful.