News and Bargaining Updates

With everything going on, we know that you are tired, frustrated and may have questions. Tomorrow, 1/28/2021 at 6pm, your Union will be hosting a live virtual town hall in regards to:

Monthly Membership Meeting and Women of Steel Meeting Cancelled for the month of January 2021.

Kaiser Permanente is one of several organizations selected by the government to provide the COVID-19 vaccine.

Vaccine availability is limited at first. Health care workers and residents of long-term care facilities have been prioritized by federal and state public health departments. 

The vaccine will be provided in phases 

After weeks of discussions with KP leaders, we are pleased to announce the childcare grant has been extended and the grant eligibility remains the same.

After weeks of discussions with KP leaders, we are pleased to announce 7600 members will continue to receive COVID-19 sick leave through the first quarter of next year.   

The COVID-19 sick leave benefits were set to expire Dec. 31, 2020, and have now been extended to March 31, 2021. In particular, we had called on KP to refresh sick leave for individuals who have previously used the benefit.

This is a list of ballot measures that will help working class people and a list of candidates that will do the work needed to improve our lives once in office.  It is our job to make decisions that will move working class people forward.  We are not telling folks who to vote for, or how to vote, but providing a guide to help them navigate through the ballot measures and candidates better.

If you have any questions, please reach out to our rapid response coordinator,